frequently asked questions

what is chainstitch embroidery?

Chainstitch embroidery is like drawing with thread; the machine is controlled by an operator using a handle underneath the table which allows for free flowing lines and the complete control of the direction of every stitch laid. I like to think of it like a tattoo for your clothes! Traditionally chainstitch embroidery was used primarily in workwear and western wear but the application of chainstitch embroidery is not limited to just garments; you can advertise your business with a banner or staff uniforms, customize your home goods like pillowcases or towels, get a customized pet portrait patch, personalize your tote bag, the sky is the limit.

do you provide garments?

For the most part, no. Your project is unique to you and your garment should reflect that, what fun would it be to limit your choices!? I can suggest a type of garment or brand over others if needed. The only garments I provide for customization will be found in the shop section, they are all hand made in house. If you have any further questions or are interested in having a bespoke garment made please feel free to reach out.

can you stitch my logo or image?

Mostly yes, but sometimes no. The unique aesthetic of chainstitch sometimes doesn’t translate well with some intricate or overly detailed logos. However, don’t fret, reach out to discuss how we can optimize your logo or image to fit the chainstitch aesthetic and ensure the final product looks great.

I don’t have an image, but I’ve got an idea, can you design it for me?

Yes of course! Please feel free to reach out in the custom section to explain your idea and discuss design fees.

what can you embroider on?

Chainstitch works best on heavier, tight woven fabrics like canvas, denim and felt. I would avoid fabrics with stretch and loose weave. Other fabrics are on a case by case basis, reach out if you are unsure of if your fabric is suitable for embroidery.

what is the pricing?

As each project is unique, so is its pricing. The cost is determined by the design complexity, size, colors and item being embroidered.
A generalized pricing guide is as follows:
Script Monograms/ Flash Designs $25-75+
Small Patches (up to 5”) $100 or less
Medium sized Patches (up to 10”) Text & Canvases $100-350
Full Back Piece, Medium Banners & Canvases $400+
Large Banners $600+
Entire Garments (jacket, suits, jumpsuits, etc) $750+

do you take bulk orders?

Yeah! Reach out via the custom contact page to enquire!

question about something I didn’t cover?
hit me up.

all other questions, comments, press inquiries please contact:

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